Surgery clinics

We offer a range of clinics and services at the surgery. There are some tasks you can do, such as health reviews, using:

Blood tests

Stanhope Clinic, Waltham Cross Health Centre

Fasting patients only – by appointment
Monday and Thursday – 8:30am to 9:15am
Phone 01992 621613

Cheshunt Community Hospital

Monday to Friday – 8am to 3:30pm
All patients (Fasting and non-fasting)

Hoddesdon Health Centre

Monday to Friday – 8:30am to 1pm

You may telephone the surgery for your results 1 week after midday only.


If you need an x-ray, you will be given a form to take to Cheshunt Community Hospital . Please phone 01992 622157 for an appointment.

If you need an emergency x-ray (for example for suspected fracture), you need to go to A&E.

Emergency contraception

This is available at the surgery. It is best used within 72 hours so please call the surgery on 01992 622324 for help and advice. Inform reception when you call that this is the appointment you need so that we can give you an appointment within the right time.

If you are over 16 emergency contraception can be obtained over the counter at various chemists in the area including; Boots the Chemist Pharmacy Brookfield Centre, Safedale Pharmacy, Swan Pharmacy and Tesco Pharmacy Brookfield Centre.

Smoking cessation

The practice supports smokers in stopping smoking which includes providing smoking cessation within the surgery and offering appropriate therapy.

We offer nurse led dedicated smoking cessation appointments, where you will be counselled over a number of weeks and given support on helping you give up smoking.

Pharmacy First – Community Pharmacy Consultation Service (CPCS)

Warden Lodge Medical Practice offers ‘Pharmacy First’, a Community Pharmacy Consultation Service. This means a trained Clinical pharmacist from one of our local pharmacies will be able to facilitate a consultation with you and deal with all the minor ailments listed below.

This service will be used when you ask to book an appointment and if your symptom is one of the things listed under minor ailments list (see below). You will be referred to the pharmacy first service and the pharmacist will contact you within 4 hours of your referral. For example:

  • If you call the surgery at 10am you can expect to receive a call from the pharmacist by 2pm on the same day.
  • If you call in the late afternoon at 5pm and the pharmacy closes at 6pm, in this case you should expect to receive a call from the pharmacist the following morning by midday which will fall within the four hours contact time after the referral has been done.

If the pharmacist recommends after the consultation that your treatment requires an antibiotic, the pharmacist will contact the GP surgery to arrange the prescription on their behalf and you will be contacted to inform you of when the prescription is ready to collect from the pharmacy.

If the pharmacist is unable to deal with your minor ailment, the pharmacist will contact the GP surgery to let us know you require an appointment. In this instance the surgery will contact you to give you an appointment for the following day.

If you have one of the minor ailments listed below, it is not necessary to call or come to the GP surgery at 8am when the phone lines are extremely busy as the Pharmacy First Service is available all throughout the day.  It would be best to call after 10am when our phone lines have quietened down.

If you tell us you have already tried over the counter medication for your minor ailment the receptionist will still refer you to the Pharmacy Consultation Service first. They will not offer you an appointment with the GP.  You need to be reviewed by the pharmacist first.

We would like to emphasize it is very important as a patient to use the Pharmacy First Service for minor ailments. This will free up appointments for patients with more complex issues and ease away from the 8am morning rush for appointments.

We all need to do our part for the smooth running of the GP surgery and create a more accessible service for patients.