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Sexual health

  • Brook

    Brook provides free and confidential sexual health and wellbeing services for nearly 250,000 young people UK-wide, each year.


  • Sexual Health Helpline

    The National Sexual Health Helpline provided by Public Health England is open Monday to Friday, 9am to 8pm.

    0300 123 7123

  • Family Planning Association

    A sexual health charity, the Family Planning Association gives straightforward information and support on sexual health, sex and relationships to everyone in the UK.

    020 7608 5240

    Family Planning Association

  • Hertfordshire Area Rape Crisis and Sexual Abuse Centre

    Hertfordshire Area Rape Crisis and Sexual Abuse Centre: This is a free and confidential telephone and face to face counselling and information service for women who have experienced rape, sexual assault or sexual abuse at any time in their lives.

    01707 276512

    Herts Rape Crisis and Sexual Abuse Centre

  • Herts Aid (HIV & Sexual Health)

    Herts Aid is an HIV and sexual health charity providing support, educational and clinical services across Hertfordshire. Commissioned by Hertfordshire County Council, we provide a range of services to support people living with HIV and their families, as well as Rapid HIV testing, Chlamydia screening, and education and awareness sessions in HIV and Sexual health to schools, colleges, universities, other professionals and the general public.

    01920 484784

  • Essex Sexual Health Service

    Services available clinic include Screening and treatment for sexually transmitted diseases, contraceptive advice and supplies (during Family Planning clinics), emergency contraception (during contraception clinics), sexual health information and safer sex advice, Hepatitis B vaccinations.

    0300 003 1212

    Essex Sexual Health Service

  • Sexual Health Hertfordshire

    All clinics offer a free and confidential service to everyone regardless of age or gender.

    Sexual Health Hertfordshire

  • SH:24

    Working in partnership with the NHS, SH:24 provides STI testing, diagnosis and treatment, oral contraception, the morning after pill and specialist remote clinical support.


  • Youth Connexions Under 25s Outreach Clinic

    Youth Connexions offer Walk-in and Appointment Clinics for the under 25s.
    The clinics include testing and treatment for sexually transmitted infections, HIV testing, contraception, pregnancy testing, free condoms, emergency contraception and confidential contraception, and sexual health support and advice.
    For details on future clinic dates or wanting to make an appointment:

    01727 897330

    View the information leaflet